Is it advisable to change technology after working on one for 4 years in TCS (digital cadre)?
Suggestions needed : rejected GLIM C PGPM, waiting for IIT KGP and new IIMs worth it?
Suggestions needed for GLIM C PGPM or CAP IIMs/IIT KGP
Reason for Preferring Flagship Program
GLIM C Results
GLIM Gurgaon PGPM| 1 Yr
Guys what are you doing, who are done with mba interviews?
IIM CAP 2025
GLIM AI Proctored interview ✅
Great Lakes Round 3 AI calls out
Should I join SIBM Bangalore?
Is Oracle Apps DBA a good career choice after working on Java for 3years?
I want to be a Business Analyst after 4 years working as a Developer. Please suggest if this is good decision or should I go for MBA
How to upgrade to Java 21 from 8 along with springboot newest version upgrade. Please need some suggestions and steps
Can any one help me to configure user provisioning between azure ad and salesforce We also need to provison user with their profiles and role
User provisioning between azure ad and salesforce
Keycloak with kerberos authentication
Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics questions prep Questions for Interviews
MBA from new/baby iims or Continue in IT ?
GLIM interview
Practice GDPI together?
Need a GDPI buddy
Has anyone here cracked bschool interview without any interview prep?