I've tried some hauling contracts with the Hull-C
Remember when they showed us ingame physicalized helmets 5 years ago?
Was ist ihr Plan B für die Ukraine, falls es zu keinem Waffenstillstand und keinen Verhandlungen kommt? | Frage an Heidi Reichinnek (Die Linke)
Does anyone else get the missing jump point bug on every bounty hunter / mercenary mission?
Help! How do you make money mining with a Prospector? Do the gadgets help you break tougher rocks? What beam/modules do you use? (Noob here.)
Männer legen mehr Wert auf eine feste Beziehung als Frauen
Die Spitzenkandidatin von welcher Partei, liebe ARD?
Why is the fee so high?
What are we all going to do when 1.0 comes out?
Stuck on loading after character repair
In your opinion, which ship has the best designed cargo hold in its class?
From your experience with SC ships, what's the most useless ship in the game? (I'll start, Hull C)
How many people here actually contribute to the Issue Council?
Fortune can fit 40SCU - and it's not too bad.
Do you lose Cargo stored on Stations, when new patch hits?
Is there a reason to buy the MISC Fortune other than it being new? Genuine question, Im not trolling. What sets it apart from the Vulture? Other than.... New (and likely more expensive)?
Star Citizen | Behind The Ships: MISC Fortune
Bündnis fordert generelles Autobahn-Tempolimit
Anyone got expirience with the Hull-C in 4.0?
What Ram should I get?
1 scu containers to hold 8 1/8 scu containers when?
What gameplay loop has the least amount of bugs and glitches
Thanks CIG. Needed a laugh today.
Just curious, how common in Europe is the multi-week “holiday break” CIG takes?