For Spanish America, are you ever surprised when you travel and realize the size of the Spanish Empire?
Why do you think there are many Latin Americans who like to criticize Chicano/Latino culture in the USA?
For non-Chinese on this Sub.
How popular is your domestic football league in your home country?
What do Chinese people think of Latin America?
What do you think will be the cultural impact of the US declining as a superpower?
Is there any rivalry or hostility between 2 Latin American countries that is taken really seriously by both sides?
Has anyone been to the Alamo Replica in San Antonio?
Have You stoped consuming a product or using a service for moral reasons?
How does History in China compare to History in the West?
Is quality of life in Latin America generally more similar to life in the Congo or to life in Russia/Eastern Europe/China/Iran/Saudi Arabia?
Can Mexico do what El Salvador did in regards to crime? Why or why not?
Which Latin American country are most devout and take religion seriously?
How do you currently feel about Europe and the idea of Europe no longer relying on US military aid?
Would you like a Spanish Empire to guide and lead your people like in the past?
Will any Latin America country be able to become a super power? If so who?
If Canada never wants to deal with Right wing America, the only way is by joining the Union.
What are your thoughts on comparing colonization in the Philippines, India, Asia and Africa to that in Latin America?
Do you feel like Americans or Gringos in general look down on LATAM?
How common is Spanish media from Spain in your country?
How do you guys feel about the USA's recent alignment with Russia? Does this change your opinion on Russia itself?
If you could choose one place to vacation in LatAM where would that be?
If Portugal and Spain had been Protestant, anti-Catholic countries at the time of colonization, how different would our countries be today?
If you had to pick the two most distant LATAM countries in terms of culture, which ones would they be? No multiple choices, just one. Jugatela.
Map of Arabia before Islamisation