Last 73 Orcas in the Pacific Northwest: Can AI Help Save Them?
Science Careers
I am unable to respond to one examiner’s comment for my thesis. What will happen to my PhD?
Found this while visiting my parents recently. I hope they make sets like this again, it was so much fun!
Managing literature read during PhD ?
First Generation Ph.D student: Scared and Anxious - Qualifying exam edition
What do you mean by "writing your dissertation"?
Low RNA yield
Advice for first time conference presentation
What is the most important thing of doing a PhD?
I use A.I to my advantage. It improved my academics
Would asking people not to bring coffee into my PhD defense start me off on the wrong foot with examiners?
Just said this 5mins ago and now I'm here
Prelim advice—Do advisors usually grill you?
Got Laid Off
Uk 3.5 year PhD seemingly going nowhere
PHD is also a plus.
I asked two fellow students why they are pursuing a PhD?
Watch this
I request the ultimate guidance of PhD students
Can I still do worthwhile bioinformatics research using only open source data?
Anybody else get annoyed or a bit frustrated when they see false info online regarding their field?
Kamala Harris talking about Trump's agenda. Could be recorded today but was actually on 23.10.2024
Sept. 2024 Pic "a dozen eggs will cost you around $4 thanks to Kamala Harris' inflationary policies"
Vacuum pump; do I start it with valves closed or open?