Today I am Celebrating My One Year Anniversary of Being Housed 🎉🎉
I’ve had encounters with thousands of men.
Edith SITWELL and those brows
Something that says “dad likes denim”
RIP Lynne Marie Stewart. Probably best known as Charlie's mom in It's Always Sunny, she had a bit part in AD as the kegel instructor
I guess I have to buy this now!
v day vibes [2025]
Calling all super-fans - Jack's "WOW" face episode??
Yo "Escared"
Narrated by Ron Howard
Seventh year.
Things I've Learned From Arrested Development
I thought this would be fun!
Saturday afternoon drive
Fin 320 Final
Ride the train to San Clemente pier on Sunday?
Collection update
Trans man shuts down Ben Shapiro with a slam dunk on abortion rights
define uncontrollable tears:
I think this might be my new favorite beach house song
Their "Colossal Pricing Mistake" Was Colossal Greed.
Confessional Evolutions - AS9✨
Homer reacts to S:P Little Knight Master Duel release
Need some help with my deck
Finally, inner peace.