Estrangeiros estão a comprar terreno agrícola como nunca em Portugal
Young drivers should not have same-age passengers for six months, says AA
Brixton cyclist dies after being hit by lorry @ Effra Road
Stopped by cops for "crossing an unauthorized crossing point"
We could use more judges like this in America
Avaliação do impacto pedonalizacao em Guimarães
A ditadura dos ciclistas da nata tuga
Uso da bicicleta “não é moda, é mudança cultural que está a acontecer”, diz Joan Busquets
Uso da bicicleta "não é moda, é mudança cultural que está a acontecer"
MSM are so useless
Council to buy homes for refugees fleeing conflict
Seen around
Executives and Research Disagree About Hybrid Work. Why? (New York Times)
Popular streamer KSI (his subreddit has 3m members) laughs at a question about Palestine. One year on, says he doesn't know what's going on and asks the people watching his stream to not be so controversial.
The numbers are in: Trump boosted roads. Biden backs biking and walkers.
Father fined £589 after accidentally paying £12.50 Ulez charge for wrong day
(Meta) Sharing pro-Palestine content marked as "harassment" by reddit
There is CURRENTLY a wave of ppl online realizing the major inefficiencies of cars right now in Florida.
Russia on mission to cause mayhem on UK streets, warns MI5
Why more lanes and flyovers won’t solve Dubai’s traffic problem
JUST IN: IMF wants El Salvador to limit the scope of Bitcoin law 🇸🇻 They're terrified 🙌
As pessoas realmente mudaram após a pandemia? Mudaram as suas prioridades?
Drivers stopping to let people (especially kids) cross the road need to stop.
Carro estacionado em rotunda bloqueia autocarro e entope trânsito em Barcelos
Reminder that cars do not own the road, you merely own a car.
Le champion du jour est arrivé 1er à la lumière rouge