Life vs. death
How can make my workout routines fun, or atleast do able?
Sarah Rivera (@stormcrowink) in GA did great work on my Geometric Sleeve
What I asked for Vs What I got
Why do people get with people they hate?
𝐖𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐝. Cero, 2025 , Montreal QC. Ig:_cero_ttt
Men and women in their 30, how is your dating life?
What’s something everyone should try at least once in their life?
Question: What was your first tattoo?
Ever been cheated on? How’d you find out? What tipped you off?
Katytheladyy at The Hive in SLC. Progress on my sleeve
Snake by @zu_immortal, The Hague, the Netherlands
103 vs 98kg 190cm
What’s a piece of advice you ignored at first but later realized was 100% true?
Do 'steroids' for the brain exist? If not, how come?
What keeps you awake at night?
Poor sleep as a result of lifting.
What do you like most about going to work?
What is the best album you have ever listened to?
Have you ever felt like fitness was taking up too much of your life?
What is something you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t done yet?
What no one tells you about sex after 30?
Raven • by me @bardak._.k • Germany, Nürnberg
What is a phrase you live by?
What are you most scared about not experiencing before exiting this life?