This is the top liked comment under the trading post on the Japanese PTCGP account and I would have to agree
Only one card is allowed in this podium
Gengar EX - 3rd Place in a 416 Player Tournament - Paldea Pro League #2
This feels incredible. Write-up in the Comments
Deutschland zwischen 1939 und 1945: Mindestens 300.000 „psychisch kranke“ und „geistig behinderte“ Menschen unter dem Deckmantel Euthanasie ermordet. CDU heute völlig offen:
Tauboss EX - Last Deck for the Year
luxury barbershop in japan
This subreddit's opinion on Gyarados EX 2 weeks ago...
This Deck got me a very respectable 70% Winrate over 40 Games
Well rounded, fast Bench hate
1st Place in a 209 Player Tournament
Get in the mood
Coinflip data from 1072 matches (3960 flips)
1529 Player Tournament winning Golem Deck
A girl reported to the German police in September 2023 about the danger of a man called Talib Abd AlMohsen, who was planning to run people over with his car. The German police ignored the report
My 45 Wins Aero Golem EX Deck
I heared you guys hate Sleepdecks - Here is one extra spicy: Sleepover
Lance's Deck
Weekly Meta Snapshot (16th Dec)
For the last two days, you can be as busted as it gets. The deck is insane.
I don't get it 🤷
Got the winstreak 3x with this alone, even though it's probably just a small variation
Holiday Login Event (36 hourglasses total)
If you like this game, I very, very strongly recommend you check out the old GameBoy versions. If you are a Content Creator, even more
Ich kann nicht aufhören zu lachen