Hold on, we are posting unsolicited Ryu inspired physique pics now? Hell yeah lets go
I was in the middle of playing this when NG2B shadow dropped
I’m beating a dead horse at this point sorry
Anyone else think that Alexi’s boss arena in 2 Black looks worse than it was in Sigma 2?
Why is ninja gaiden 2 considered the peak combat of the series
I feel like there's not enough excitement to see yakumo
Why don't the games let you switch weapons on the fly?
I hope normal mode is rebalanced. It’s so trivially easy that new players might be underwhelmed
Does anyone actually like playing as the girl characters in NG2B?
Why do people hyper focus on the enemy count and not the other changes that brings the game closer to the OG than Sigma?
Okay, how the fuck do I deal with IS ninjas?
Is Razor's Edge worth playing?
I think we truly live in the future
What's the hardest chapter in NG2 MN?
The Rachel chapter should be removed
I'm going to do it
Got him!
what're yalls opinions on the girls ?
Guys stop making it complicated
Random hyper armour on bosses is still the most aggravating garbage mechanic ever
Why exclusive on gamepass
Which Ninja Garden 2 ?
Bayonetta 4 possible leak/rumor
Explaining the current situation at PlatinumGames
At what point will I know if SS is for me or not? I know it starts slow.