25M 5'11". Did my bulk go wrong? I was 74 KGs in the first pic which was taken in May 2024 and the last two pictures were taken today in which I weigh 86 KGs.
Need suggestions
What show or series got you into the “zombie” genre?
You’re not supposed to be here
"softness" over Success
Did anyone else see this?! Freaking Unbelievable. Communism will never leave India till we are over. Not NSFW
Best way to cook soya chunks
Feel like a loser
Bro literally paid ?36 lakh in road tax just to drive this car on roads like this!!
Mental dilemna
Sbi clerk 1st day 1st shift. Amazing exam on first attempt. Topper.
At what price should I buy this car?
Seems too extreme, no?
Political rivalry is ok...But imagine the level of dirt you have in your mind to write such a disgusting tweet for a woman 🤢...I really wished twitter was out of reach for political party supporters
Tax Rate around the world in percentage
To those candidates who missed mains cut off by a margin
Physique after 2 years of lifting with veg diet.
Broken and Sad
China is just ahead of the curve
When did Rick figure them out ?
Jio was a mistake
Kaha se aate h ye log?
What's the One advice you would give to your younger self regarding weight gain?
Got this beauty home after a waiting period of 1 year.
Car fell from first floor in our society