Sugarcult - Worst December
Big Ole Album on the go!
songs about grief/death
What song would you introduce a non-fan to A Day To Remember With?
A chance encounter
No moshing or crowd surfing allowed?!?!?
In 72 hours we will have new music.
Warped tour
how old is everyone?
69. Nice.
Polar is my new favorite and it’s thanks to this community!
Can anyone recommend some songs?
Leaving This Thread and Selling Tickets
So TREOS put "Weightless Underwater" on Spotify. DAE think they're going to make that third record after all?
UK superfan
New Tattoo!!!
Story Time - Awkward Frank Meeting
This is the only fridge at work
Calling all Brand New nerds: Please Help Me Understand
Merch for tour!
What’s your favorite day to see a show?
Gonna listen to fallout boy for the first time in like 5 years. Where should I start?
My mom sent me a box of my Fall Out Boy sh*t from college - Part 1!
Restock package came today!