If the president were to pass away between now and Monday, who would become president?
What advice would give to a confused teen turning 18 next month?
What difference has antidepressants made on your life?
Can black ever win here?
What's the hardest addiction to kick?
This is why people don’t like you, Zuck
What would you like to piss on?
What nasty nickname will Trump call Elon when the inevitable fallout occurs?
What's the farthest you'll walk to a destination before considering another mode of transportation?
Who said this: "Who cares, as long as you pick me?"
What is the best Keanu Reaves Movie?
Where do I live
AITA for not moving home?
I believe this type of content is why this sub exists.
What do muslims think about their prophet marrying a child of 6 and "consummating" the marriage when she was 9?
AYITL came out almost 9 years ago?
People who have seen a ghost, what was it like?
Stars Hallow
Why are you religious?
I dont know how to checkmate and at this point im too afraid to ask
What's a 10/10 movie that you'll rewatch every year?
I asked out this girl two years ago, she ghosted me, now we’re talking again. Would you ghost or talk to her?
How is this a draw?
How come British people don't like American accent when it's the closest accent to the original English accent?
Bro how would someone increase their karma? nothing is working?