Forced Coaching?
Precheck but bag got flagged for extra screening since there was both a Kindle and laptop.
Partially frozen breast milk not allowed to be carried on plane
Daily General Discussion and Advice Thread - November 28, 2024
Robinhood customer support number/email
Customer support number/email
TSA agent stuck his fingers in my breast milk
Cosleeping 14m old
Unmedicated births
When to stop pumping
Breastfeeding mothers
Went through full body scanner while pregnant, is it safe?
Is this even worth it? After 30mins.
When does overtime start for Newbies?
How long did you take maternity or paternity leave?
Traveling with Trans Tape
JFK TSO orientation and parking question
Any referrals in NY for a medical examiner that doesn’t cost as much?
Naturalized citizen TSO
Paternity leave policy
Paperwork review by a lawyer
(TSO) does anyone know if TSA is hiring at JFK Airport?