Color Scheme Advice for Striking Scorpions and Banshee
[H] Adepta Sororitas (Mostly Penitient Host) [W] Cash/Paypal [Loc] NA, MD
[H] $ Paypal [W] Dwarf King on Shieldbearers, any Adepta Sororitas [Loc] USA - NY
Codex Predictions/Wishlist
[H] Paypal [W] Warhammer 40k Army, Bolt Action Army [Loc] NM-USA
[H] Paypal [W] Cheap Navigator/ Tech priest manipulus [Loc] RI, USA
[H] Tempestus Aquilons, seraphon, necrons [W] Venmo [Loc] denton
[H] Necrons [W] $$$ Paypal G&S [Loc] Los Angeles
Grotmas day 23: World Eaters - vessels of wrath
New Eldar (Higher Quality)
Exchange "You don't often get email from..." on almost every email
Exarch powers, do you miss them?
[H] PayPal [W] Orks [Loc] CO
[H] limited $$$ [W] Ork and Tau models [Loc] Florida
[H] PayPal, $ [W] Orks (Trukks, Old Snikrot, Kommandos, etc) [Loc] TN, USA
[WTS][USA-MD] Quoc Mono II White size 44
[H] PayPal $ [W] Painted Warhammer 40K Army 2000ish points [Loc] Richmond VA
[H] PayPal/Paint Service [W] Orks [Loc] US
Valraks Eldar Rumours
[H] Eldar/drukhari/harlequins, Necrons, Empire of Man/cities of sigmar, dwarves, high elves, star wars legion , [W] paypal goods and services , [Loc] southern california
[H] Ork Deffdread units, killa kans, lootas, gorkanaut/morkanaut [W] Paypal [Loc] US
After 0-11 losing streak always scoring in 0-40 VP range vs near max VP for my opponents, I guess I'm not cut out to play Eldar even semi-competitively :-(
Aeldari at Grand Tournaments are now perfectly balanced at 50% win rate and a decent number of GT wins, yet bottom quartile Eldar players struggle more than any other faction with a win rate of 37-38%
Meta Monday 9/2/24: The NOVA Sorting