Help interpreting results
Any females here quit to ttc and have any luck?
If TTC, please read
Periods got shorter after miscarriage
6 days in today and the temptation to go buy some is hard! 😔
I normally ovulate cd15. Can anyone roughly predict when I ovulated? Cd 10 is so early!
Ttc after mc
Curious how old everyone is?
Doctor blood tests
Weird symptoms approaching original due date?
General Chat February 14
If you had one bit of advice for yourself on day 1 of quitting what would it be ?
Lh surge cd9 but I normally surge cd15? Is this normal.
General Chat February 11
I usually ovulate at cd 15 but this month I have started doing my strips and have got a positive (not peak) at cd9
Did anyone here get pregnant 6+ months after MC?
Thinking of taking a month off from lh strips and just ‘see what happens’
First cycle experience after MMC
Has anyone quit whilst ttc? Just wondering if anyone has had success after quitting weed? 30F
6 months trying before mc, another 5 months on and still not pregnant.