Popcorn 🍿
Top 20 best lines in gaming day 3
what is a film you didn't really enjoy that everyone seemed to like?
Good name for a metal band only made up of 70+ seniors
What are the weediest songs you can think of?
what song feels like this pic?
What is a song that is considered cheesy but is an absolute banger?
Name a band you feel is absolutely underrated.
I haven't cried in almost 15 years. What's a song that will open the floodgates?
You have $10, whatchu buying?
Thoughts on this song?
Do you think Tom will ever perform anything from California or Nine?
Redditors, what's something the internet was crazy about but is now forgotten?
Little weird room on a little island in Australia on google images
On Reaper, How do I remove FX from just one section of a track?
What band could you listen to their entire discography, skipping very few songs?
So it begins..
Welcome back, zjz.
How would you describe the taste of black pepper to someone who had never tasted anything in their life?
You now have a one-time ability to talk to your 15 year old self for 60 seconds. What do you tell them?
TIFU by deleting all of my solo album recordings
4 week fitness surprise
I turn into a pumpkin