Theo Drinks
Votes for layoffs, then panics when her ‘hard-working, non-DEI’ daughter is included in them.
This is Ember, 7 Months
Hair Salon/Barber suggestion
Link previews suddenly not working on fb page? No images at all when posting a url on a page I manage. Anybody else?
How’s the water?
Massage therapist recs for next week?
Furnished Apartments
waiter put my tip back on the table saying he only accepts 18-20%??
Winter activities for a border collie?
Pasting links breaks facebook (Macbook Pro) Yes so the act of pasting a link (!) breaks the whole website, havent been able to command+V anything into my feed for days. Does anyone care?
Is $65k Living Salary Doable?
Haven't seen much brown/red and white border collies in here!
Hello Kitty!
RV Slide-out Repair?
Best place for a crab boil?
Am I a bad person for doing this?
Anyone else getting a “we suspect automated behavior on your account” warning? And not able to use messenger?
Illegal Fireworks
Longmont to do away with parking minimums city-wide
Longmont Leader Closing Tomorrow
Your go to dispo?
Weekly open discussion, complaint, rant, and rave thread
Greek Sald