Any guys here who once considered themselves a coward / a**hole and managed to turn their life around??
Do we really need any more plugins?
List of mainstream, pop, R&B, Hip-hop, and Alt-Pop artists who STARTED to become successful after 30?
I don't feel like i'm getting much out of SSD. Superior Drummer or something else?
ReaComp hipass lopass question
New song! Let me know what you think!
PSA: An important note about hearing protection. It doesn't work the way you think it does.
Do I NEED to have a chorus?
Daily Feedback Thread (March 13, 2025)
Songwriting experience needed
Is this a normal amount of water or is this place underwater
Playing in a band
What are you guys all doing in your quotes to protect yourselves from sudden rising materials costs?
Compressing 15.25" Rockwool into 14.5" stud spacing?
On what music related sub can I get opinions on tracks?
Finding a stud
Start producing
How to make a track instrumental?
I just wanna say to yall i wish you the best of luck!
How do I start a band? 😅
Daily Feedback Thread (March 11, 2025)
German Safety Video Goes Off The Rails
Trying to grow business
Fix the recording or the artist?
Guiding Son into a Career