Recursive subtyping for all
The Democrats are unpopular, rudderless — and on track for a comeback - Trump and Musk are doing the Democrats’ job for them.
Typescript seems unable to infer a type of function's return type in this edge case
what the average non migraine haver believes will cure your migraines!
Wow just wow
Publish a lint rule, get a prize
Never let the small things bother you!
Is it just me or do ALL baby boomer parents absolutely suck as adult child parents and grandparents??
WIBTA if I asked my partners not to see each other for while I’m on a trip?
What’s up with narcissists wanting to be parents and reproduce?
How to cuddle my friend(s)?
What do you think about Carl Jung’s Views on Strengthening the Ego vs. the Buddhist Concept of No-Self?
Man dating apps are brutal as a guy
"They did the best they could"
Can anyone explain why Deno performs so badly compared to Bun and Node?
Should we be telling men between ages of 20-30s+ who never had a girlfriend, that it's all good?
How To Tank The Stock Market In Two Sentences, By Karoline Leavitt
Dating apps SUCK
Why do people lead with Fi? Why would someone's brain be wired to lead with the most vulnerable congnitive function? Seems counterintuitive when it comes to human evolution.
The Hallmark of Narcissism
"Capitalism is a system where we can't afford to do the right thing" do you agree with this?
Narc Ex Moved in with new Therapist GF on FIRST DATE
AMA with Death & Mayhem - 8pm Wednesday 01/22
Your #1 meal for really bad days?
Does this sub think nihilism is nothing more then depressive thinking?
What's the deal with the Supreme Court saying Tik Tok must be banned?