Is this hair algae? I’ve had issues in the past but it’s never been blue!
Is my crypt wendtii green melting or is this normal?
Do puffers just have spontaneous turf wars for a day and then go back to being besties like cats do?
How do you collect snails from a snail tank?
Looking for recs similar to a killing cold and the family game- too good to be true fiancé, rich family with secrets, protagonist with a mysterious past!
this is a PSA that you absolutely can feed them too much in one go
Just sailing through the water
Did I accidentally start a worm culture?
What non- fish tank items/tools do you use in your tank?
Why is my mystery sitting there suckering his shell? Is he okay?
Ok, what's your go to way of getting plant/super glue off your fingers?
Which anubias would you get for a 5.5 gallon snail tank?
Are sponge filters as bad as they make it out to be?
What does it mean when narcissists say "we don't get it"?
Gotta love Google AI
Pea puffed up while feeding :(
I attached some wood with suction cups. What do you think?
I planted these two crypts last week and I’m maybe seeing a little melting of leaves? But not what I expected, and both have new leaves unfurling from the center. Do I get to skip the crypt melt??
New scape
Low maintenance tank i set up for my grandma
Are these eggs?
Question for anyone who maybe runs a LFS or breeds peas or anyone who might have insight!
Anybody have experience with this model of nicrew light? I want to be able to customize the light colors instead of just the intensity