Am I trash?
For the first time ever I finally did it: IT'S DARK MATTER BOYS
[Th17] what combination should I pick, no 🐍 bracelet please 🙏🏻
Did Yeat predict 2025 ?
YEAT ALPHABET Kant change beats out Krank by a HAIR!
Streak challenge not counting attacks
better yeat and thugger collab?
Change My Mind
Did anyone else do this?
8 years playing and I question if I even want to reach 9000 trophies.
New Hero Queen Skin
What are your thoughts on him?
STFU or Split & Why?
Not just this year😹
Evo Hog rider concept ❤️
yeat tryna get rizzy
The Carti Reddit meltdown 2
Work-in-progress balance changes for Clash Royale - January 2025 Season 67 RoyaleAPI
In case anybody missed the free gift:
w/him mentioning the taliban so much i thought this said “yeah, isis, chop off your head” on “u don’t know lyfe”
Top 5 Yeat grails ever
Am I the only one, who is playing against ultimative champions after 4 wins?
I got hyped up all week...for 800k gold ....