Water types only
RR dex not working with Imperium save
Sword and Shield Ultimate Plus English Version - Feature Update… and Upcoming Demake Teaser
NEW RELEASE: Pokemon Emerald Imperium (hopefully, Radical Red in Emerald!)
NEW RELEASE: Pokemon Emerald Imperium
Celia's Stupid Romhack - Chapters 1 and 2 Release!
⚡️Mysterious Signal Brodcast💥 - Masalizard, Eleplush and Lotpole (Project DISSONANCE’s starters)
Celia's Stupid Romhack - Memorial
Recommend me a game please
The Pit v2 - Hack Release Thread!
I made a item that lets players inflict their party with a status conditions. You can use it in your decompilation projects!
My first town and city in my romhack!
I'm going to rate your favorite pokemon on a scale of 1-10
Team Aqua Romhacking Competition - Multi-Hack Release Thread
The devs should make radicals for more games
Moments of both shows showing how powerful airbending is (yes I included Aang and Korra)
Unban itsEffie
Need some recommendations....
Elimination time typhlosion and lugia are out final round will go for 24 hours so all vote
what games do you guys suggest that i can play with my gf?
Is there or will there ever be another rom hack like this?
PalSphere: A Free Companion for Palworld is now available on iOS and Android!
So… just how difficult is it?
Stuck at Sabrina right now . What should i use, do or catch?