Ruminating about 2nd
Weird rash?
What was served vs what he ate for breakfast
Y’all know nothing about this
Day 5: morally grey, opinions are divided.
"Having an only child is too easy and too affordable"
Parents who had difficult babies, what is your toddler like now?
Sahm struggle
Impossible Baby Blood type
How strictly do you stay on a sleep schedule when on vacation?
Realized I’m the last OAD in my circle
Dinner rage
When people ask if Im having more kids… as if Im not living the dream already
1.5 is so fun!!
SAHM of 3—What Do You Do to Stay Sane Outside of Motherhood?
I don't even want to do my physical therapy exercises. I don't know how I'm going to handle 2 kids.
So, was Wilden really sleeping with Ali?
Newly a sahm, how to keep active?!
Did you frequently get the "I knew you were an only child" comment?
Out of curiosity: Do you wear jeans pants at home?
Idk that I can do this anymore. My kids are driving me insane.
OAD because of PPD?
Can anybody else not relate to birth order stereotypes
what’s your experience on being a sahm?
What do you say when others ask “what do you do?”