The side eye!! “Put your phone down and get your child, lady.”
How do you get dog hair out of a diamond painting? 😭 Please let me know if you have this problem!!
I crocheted Momo 💛
"Editing" the finished painting
Idk what to feel 😂
If I knew how scarce permanent pulls would be after launch I would not have picked Crystal Poems
Hot take: Not having VIP levels is good actually.
My game bugged out and Bibcoon was following me everywhere asking for uppies. WHY IS HE SO CUTE MY HEART CAN'T TAKE IT AAAH
Someone was asking how to style this shirt earlier, so...
i am in awe
Interacting in Xiaohongshu
Why can I STILL not swap out 'E' instead of 'F' to interact??!?
Album empty?
Put this game next to "whiplash" in the dictionnary
i really wish there was more pieces that went together
Which hair colors do you find most useful?
HELP: Where are my Energy Crystals?
PSA for PC: Un/Reinstalling deletes your saved photos
My face as I watch some pink haired girl and her bipedal feline friend run off with the six buttoncones I needed to survive winter
Bill Nye receiving Medal of Freedom for his dedication to science education
Once you get to 37 weeks pregnant, waking the baby looks and feels like you're in Alien.
I have to confess my sin
I noticed the logos inside the bulbs are different between the US and Asian servers!
HD version of previously leaked outfits