Anyone else love the oil mists?
Canvas course access
*REPOST* Jodhpur wins Blue. What city is Purple?
I feel so embarrassed I wanna cry😭
I *REALLY* wanted this friend, I feel so happy my mum picked him up for me :')
Survey Response Request for Migraine Research
Jellycat added dates to some of the Easter collection on their website
Serotonin Syndrome!
What fragrance has the best longevity in your opinion?
Treated myself to a new friend!
Spent New Years in Iceland. It was unreal. 🤍 Will never disappoint.
I just bought a plush from the baby section at Walmart. Nothing wrong with that, right?
Anyone struggling with words for Eager Beaver? I got you 😂😂
the way my heart stopped in my local antique store
What's your favourite shower gel and why?
Found this unhinged sweatshirt at goodwill today
Hey Webkinz Team, Hire me.
Hi! Never had anyone appreciate my finds..!
Cinders body spray
My roommate is really annoying? Any subtle ways of getting back at them for all the things they’ve done to me?
No pedestrians
Choosing a Lib Ed course
Flag of each state using counties. [Not OC]
I made a spreadsheet of all my Lush products