Cargo Therapeutics cuts lead CAR-T program, 50% of staff
Does an analytical team exist within MSAT at your company?
I want to scream.
Company B HR called me after I informed them I joined Company A
Bloomberg Businessweek: The True Cost of Layoffs
More layoffs from BMS
How often have you been unable to fulfill the promise to provide feedback on the hiring process, and what were the reasons?
Which biotechs still standing in mid 2024 will be gone by year end?
Onsite panel interview suggestions
What exercise do you do to remain fit while WFH?
How long does big pharma take after applying?
BMS considers more M&A deals vs. AZ and Pfizer say on more M&A
Should I accept a job at BMS?
Conect the hiring manager and HR headhunter on LinkedIn
How do I get over the hump? 3 roles, 3 final interviews, 0 offers
Pfizer Layoff Update
Women's clothing in biotech
How far will an internal referral take me while interviewing with large Pharma?
After 4 interviews, I got the dreaded rejection letter today
Please critically suggest me how I can improve my resume. Trying to enter the industry.
Hard time finding a job
5y of postdoc, trying to switch to industry and having an awful time
How to prepare for an interview at a biotech company
It is possible to get a job in biotechnology with Russian degree?
My boss is a micromanager