Saw a bird next to a bag of flaming hot Cheetos while on my walk (TW: Dead animal)
what does "spending time with God" look like for you on a daily and/or weekly basis?
A book that feels like this?
How do I learn how to speak conversational Latin?
23/F quiet conversation that doesn't feel forced
where can i find smaller binders? other alternatives?
what gives off this vibe?
"Make your coffee at home!" Tell me, oh internet community, what are your frugal ways you make coffee at home? (I use a reusable Keurig filter)
what's your go-to background noise? // background noise dilemma
It's hard making female Christian friends
books that feel like this?
Lonely woman who has no friends
Journalling For Fears That May Happen (Not Anxieties)
My first ever journal
This Friday I’m releasing my follow up album
What are the saddest pop punk songs?
Perfumes that smell like a fresh shower? Or soapy?
Being a Christian in College
Alternative app to Hallow?
I really like dark lipstick but it just looks like I failed at eating choc ice cream! Does it just not fit my face or something?
Is this not a normal amount of makeup to own? Friends and family poke fun that I own a store.
How is half of 10 5?
Green Design Works Peacock Notebook
Is this acceptable?
Is this an okay way to journal?