What app do you use the most of what is your favorite app?
What to do in free class with no friends?
Who has more money, the monopoly man or scrooge McDuck?
Would you rather have an electric stove or a gas stove and why?
What do you hate about bean adult other than taxes?
Let’s be real, why are you still single?
What do you think is the best video game is and why?
What is the dumbest thing you did as a kid/teen?
How tall are YOU?
What made you stop socializing the way you used to?
How did you start working out/going to the gym?
Which defensive and/or offensive operator should I get next?
What’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to you?
What is the title of the current chapter of your life?
Do you ever struggle to type when you’re stoned?
What was life like before smartphones?
What’s the last song you’ve listened too 🔬🧐
What is your all-time favorite video game?
What is your current phone wallpaper?
What's the stupidest thing you've seen someone do despite being expressly told not to do it?
When have you felt the most out of place, and how did you handle it?
People with anxiety, how do u cope ?
What's the worst thing you've ever smelt?
What’s the biggest secret of "Happiness" that most people don’t know?
Men, why do you often say you're fine even when you're not?