How many of us have PCOS, insulin problems / (pre-) diabetes, and/or ADHD?
Ally teaching us how to ✨️thrive✨️ during our luteal phase.
Newly diagnosed and on guanfacine. Heart rate is dropping and have horrible insomnia- do I push through?
paid leave for PMDD has changed my life
Anyone experiences with guanfacine/Intuniv ?
The guilt is a lot today
Derm recognized demodex!
The Couples of the New Season of 90 Day Fiance Coming February 16
At wits end with rosacea nose!
tips for addressing echolalia?
Help me pick a pair of glasses!
I’m speechless
What would be the process of going from my natural color to the color provide?
Veah says she has a brain tumor
Anyone else get this itchy, red, dry scaly skin around that time of the month?
My last hope was Soolantra and no luck. Feeling so hopeless. Any suggestions?
Can I be a soft summer if I have warm hair?
True Spring - which colors are better?
Whitney and dance (yet another long rant I'M SORRY)
prediabetic and struggling to decide on next steps
What are controversial things you do in your hygiene and beauty routines?
What is this? Rhinophyma? What causes it and is there anyway to manage it without a dermatologist?
speaking, lowering voice, baby voice, vocal fry????
I just want an appt