Now then how'd you rate Pink Jesus herrscher ver?
Am I the only one who feels that Honkai no longer has a serious threat at all?
Google thinks it is a Spam 😂
1.0 is ending soon. Who's your favorite character so far and why?
SAM stop working on Adrenalin Edition 23.5.2
AMD Software: Adrenalin Edition 23.5.2 Release Notes
Honkai - English or Japanese?
Sonoff POW R2: any alternatives to the horrendous eWelink app *without* flashing new firmware?
Clara & her emoticons
Can't believe that i cried for a robot
Question about Anju and Dustin
Finally got my hand on this masterpiece
Which '86: Eighty Six' Character Are You?
Angel = Anju? Light Novel
Fave 86 song or soundtrack. Mine will forever be Hands Up to the Sky.
Side stories
I'm Only Human After All meme (86 edition)
The Artwork I found a while ago, Enjoy!
Does Lena have Kanji for her name?
This panel from Second Eruption shows that the concept of the Will of the Honkai did exist in the PE, which was later retconned in-game to only existing when Prometheus hacked into the Honkai
Favourite volume?
how many Spin off are there? or side story collection? can anyone please inform me which thing should I read out side of the 11 Ln vols ???
The way to access the English translation of 86 Side Story on
I’m addicted
No longer basic Anime