Bloons Card Storm Card Idea: Anti Bloon
Ninja Monkey Card Pack v2.0!
BCS Hero Idea: Etienne
Card idea: Bloonlogist Monkey
Does anybody else name their decks like this?
Fr bro people who play fun but off-meta decks are such legends
Ultra Budget!
Best Immorticia Deck?
Um what the hell is my opponents name
What are your thoughts on him?
people call this kirby on a stick, is this true?
Do you have Farm King? Nah, we got far king!
far king
HG super gave me lethal.
I play plants vs zombies heroes on multiple devices but…
How do i move (Im on PC)
Should Kitchen Sink Zombie's class be: WILD (meaning any zombie hero can use him)
Captain Combustible should be demoted to Cadet Incombustible
U got Panasonic? No but we have…
Who needs Panasonic?
My mom got new slippers and I got an F- in math how cooked am I
Toxic deck for Super Brainz (No super rares, event, or legendary cards)
1 cost berry blast? Just for me? Oh you shouldn't have