3s > 2s. Change my mind.
Post-match thread: Atlético de Madrid - FC Barcelona
Title hopes shattered
Hello guys and girls I just played my placement matches in 2v2 in competitive and I won 10/10 all with forfeit is this a world record?
I have a dream 💭
For the mods..
Clarifying the new update...
Anyone else wait till the final 24 hrs to grind it out for your season rewards?
Is $78K a Good Entry-Level Salary in Jacksonville, FL (Defense Industry)?
Post-match thread [Champions League]: Atlético de Madrid - Real Madrid
Match Thread: Atlético Madrid vs Real Madrid | UEFA Champions League
What is the biggest OG struggle, I’ll start
Drop Glitch just now
Drop glitch
Xfinity CS is horrendous. Need help with this
Trying to activate Hitron Coda 56, only power light is green
ISO W2C 23/24 Barcelona jersey
Barca 2023-24 W2C
Yay another car wash…
They ever gonna update this?
No way we lost the war to this man 😭😭
W 0 second goal !
#8 Collection - who am I missing?
Coco hinting at potentially big changes