What type of sh*t did your ex pull that caught you by suprise; during the proccess of divorce?
Should I let him be at the birth? Or involved at all? Idk 😭
Postpartum or Perimenopause
Ex not taking daughter’s seriously.
Psilocybin practically puts me back in my own body and I hate it (Not in a bad way)
Accepting the label
No hallucinations or dissasociation in any of my 4 IV sessions so far.
Toddler calling Ex's new partner mom
What happens when you finally start speaking up?
Love yourself the way you love/d your narc
I fucking *hate* reality. And I don’t want to be a human being.
Do narcissists chose to hurt other people's emotions or do they just can't control it cause of their disorder?
If you woke up as your 23 year old self what is the first thing would you do?
Did you dream the truth about your narc?
Tips for healing codependent behaviors while in a healthy relationship?
What's your (emotionally healthy) strategy to get over the disappointment in dating?
Glow up advice after narcissistic abuse
Can I be happy after divorce?
Why does it sometimes feel like leaving your child's parent might've been wrong decision? (Even though it's not)
Influence from step-siblings
I feel like all my childhood trauma has been resolved now lol
How to be kind to coparent
Their "jokes" and "sarcasm"
What's the must hurtful part of being with a narcissist for you?