is it normal to get red dots on nipple after stimulation?
question about precum?
my (19f) boyfriend (18M) says he can’t forget his ex. what to do now?
Why are you on reddit on Christmas day?
Which semester is your favorite?
[Product Request] Best Cerave Cleanser
[routine help] need help with my routine!
skincare advice help
a part of my lip is swollen!
one part of my lip is swollen
what to get for mom for christmas?
What color do you guys use?
I’m taking IT 105 online and trying to read this textbook is dreadful, I get so bored I don’t even know what I’m reading and forget everything the second I stop. Any tips?
How old were YOU when Victorious came out?
Sketchy food stand scam?
IT 214 P1
My boyfriend told me he's not fully committed to me but still sees us a couple
a online friend of mine passed away
Question about changing Majors
Dropping a class after being accepted
time keeps speeding up by itself!
What made you realize you weren't as smart s the other kids?
what’s your dream wedding like?
What is something that tastes disgusting hot but great cold?