Worried I might cause my mom's saint bernard to get bloat
What do you get paid?
Those who live in the West, do you eat non-halal meat?
Food stamps paid out before income change paperwork reviewed
Angry at how the hospital is treating my family
How much does your area pay?
Should I ask if they want me somewhere?
Delusions after a stroke?
SPED with no paras
Accidentally yelling at kids not knowing they were SPED
no update notif this morning
If god told you to kill your parent or child would you?
Do dates make your mouth burn?
Problem buying halal meat
Cale is actually such a huge tsundere
Reading the webtoon right now and…..are you guys sure this isn’t bl ? The signals im getting, im so confused
Do you eat pork?
Is there a summary for each arc anywhere ? I want to start reading from where i left off..
How do you know it’s working?
Flu-like symptoms on fluoxetine
Healing from religion based trauma before converting