Name suggestions?
Mother-in-law visiting... This is how she defrosts chicken.
is there any frog species that can happy live in a 10 gal?
Assorted foliage? I want to not kill this houseplant, but what is it?
Erase memories??
Is my terrarium temp regulation ok?
criminal frog performs jail break
18x18x24 terrarium
My lil dirt boy🐸
Came up in winter
finished dress project
Is my spider molting or dying?
Been playing since release and came across a moodlet I’ve never seen!
I love the horses in sims 3 lmao
Saw these flowers on the ground at work. Anyone know what these are?
what sorts of things do you do to your town?
Guys dont miss this deal
My VERY first screenshots of Sims 3 that I took in June 2009. (And my weird captions... please don't judge. I was ten. LOL)
what’s my frog doin?
Tag said begonia, but got no idea which one
WTF ??? 😱
Finally won the lotto!
First flowers spotted of the season, Northeast
Most underrated skills or hobbies?
Free (Milk Frog) Feet Content