I feel like I'm not using this phone to it's full capacity. What are s24 ultra hacks everyone should utilize?
Blizzard giveth and Blizzard taketh away
RNG is an odd mistress.
How annoying to play is Strafe Impale with the hold-shift-madness?
Anyone else starting with WD?
So what's the best free armor set in the new season?
America's server gets shafted with s34 start.
Season 34 - DH farming Multishot or GoD?
This season, I'm making it a personal goal to clear the absolute highest rift possible. What should my priorities be, in what order?
Nothing here new makes me wanna upgrade but why the s pen
Thinking of Dance of Knives for S7, how annoying is the snapshotting?
S24 UItra Spen issue with ESR Hybrid magsafe case
Hardest part in any RPG
Campfire Chat in 2 hours from now
World record boost, level 1 to 57 in 10 seconds!
Raising awareness about the state of the Barbarian
Whats the best andariel build?
Infernal Hordes - Opinions on best necro builds?
My gear still sucks but I rerolled LS...
which is the most tankiest class in diablo 4?
What Necromancer build should I use?
How many mythics have you gotten so far?
Look at what my friend just dropped. He has 20 hours of play time.
Lvl 72 to Lvl 100 instantly in T2 infernal horde
Yup, heartseeker got nerfed pretty heavily