Songs with circus/carnival music or themes.
I almost suffocated
Song that put you in this mood
What is this?
Songs where the title is the first word & is never said again
Songs that use the Creep Chord Progression
Justice for Laurel Hell
If you could hear Fiona cover any song, what would it be?
Songs where the title is a garden plant
Week girls
Using Clovers in the Junker
What lostwave song is this?
What weezer song is this?
Songs with a lot of features? (3 or more)
what’s a lostwave song you guys relate to/is your theme song and why?
Everyone FROGS That
Can someone recommend artists similar to mitski?
What is the biggest what-if in lostwave history?
A Spanish cover of Saturday by schoolly d?
I don’t actually listen to Aphex Twin but I made this topster anyways