3000 €/mois Paris - Expat italienne
What's one benefit of living in a 3rd world or undeveloped country that developed nations lack?
What is the purpose of life ?
A quand l'interdiction de réserver une place à son sac dans les transports en communs ?
Top contributor status but unable to start the Program
Gérard Larcher reconnaît que l’achat pour 34 000 euros d’un siège pour le Sénat est une « erreur »
400 Days
Does anybody else not even want the American dream.
Why aren't you playing Skyrim?
Karma best served hot I guess
Biden just authorized $17.9 billion in aid to Californians who lost everything in the fires. Just joking. That was for military aid to Israel.
L3, Négliger le S6 car inutile ?
À la SNCF, la hausse du tarif des Intercités fait bondir les usagers
Hypothesis: Snapchat traps its users into getting banned
Comment vous avez fait pour qu'il trouve votre clito ?
Are you guys using the Always on display?
[Question] Snapchat traps its users into getting banned ?
How many achievemens does everyone have?
"Les terroristes ont gagné" : dix ans après l'attentat contre "Charlie Hebdo", les dessinateurs de presse font grise mine
This Hadith about Khadija (RA) will give "Muslim" Feminists a heart attack
I received a job offer in my email from someone who found me on LinkedIn. Is this a scam?
Dead Internet Inc is excited to flood reddit with AIs pretending to be humans to sell you products
What do you all think about iOS 18.2.1?
"No muslim countries or no muslim leaders"