So lapis is GORGEOUS in person and the large sling is, well, large. 🤣 and look at my cute little Cry Baby charm!
Trying to limit my baggu collection then I find all of these at Nordstrom Rack smh
Thoughts for an 18 yr old who wants to do things “right”?
cornelius vanderbilt scholarship decision
Where would you sleep overnight on campus without being disturbed/found?
please i need YOUR help 🫵
Hello, I got accepted ED and I have 2 questions for Current Students
Advice if I should ED2
Congrats ED Acceptances - ask away in the chat (VU 2025 Senior Here to Help!)
should i submit 33 act to vanderbilt or go TO (RD)
Application to Peabody or CAS for a double major in HOD and Econ?
1470 sat good enough?
posters/command strips
Pre-Freshman credit
Which top colleges have short applications?
Class of 2024 - AP Scores
Where do poor kids who are college-ready go to college?
free writing comps for teens?
Sight Reading
Help me decide if I should go to this program
What made you choose Vanderbilt?
Should I submit CPS application to wow even though I was rejected?
Everyone Getting off Waitlist
I'm nosy c/o 2028, where were you ACCEPTED?
Is it true that Williams gives lots of financial aid?