Mind Power - See Me (feat. Cory Brandan)
Could you recommend me songs for a long walk in the forest?
And joy is, after all, the end of life.
what's Failures heaviest song in your opinion?
Dessiderium - Keys to the Palace
What song do you consider the 'best closing Track' in Metalcore history?
Any reccomendations for bands like Cream?
Artificial Brain similar media recommendations?
Mind Power - Misery Wins
good mathcore bands like the power and the glory
Best BLUE albums, what’s missing here?
Y'all better be listening to Eternity's End
anyone else get massive Cedric Noctourniquet vibes from this?
Curl Up and Die - Absolute Denial of the Ultimate Nullifier
Architect - Uninventing the Wheel
heya! i am looking for something similar to hooverphonic and beauty's confusion! any smaller, lesser known band suggestions?
Voivod - Nanoman
In y'all's opinion, what are some of the best album covers in metal?
What’s your favorite album of 2016?
Any recommendations based on my weird taste?
Similar music to Hooverphonic
Looking for recommendations
So who’s playing bass on the new album?
What is the goriest and most sexually explicit manga (that's also still good)?