Outlet ID?
NASA's "climate spiral" depicting global temperature variations since 1880 (now updated with 2024 data)
Med Sales - Retro holiday gift to associates nice or weird?
Team Odious Orange strikes out again.
Can anyone recommend a good bar for a weekend afternoon on the UES, not too datey but not a sports bar?
Wear your compression socks when flying home for the holidays
You get one shot to drive as long as possible for $10k/hr.
I'm about to get a $300k Commission check and I can't tell anyone (So I'm telling the Internet) - AMA
Why did so many smoke shops close?
ID this bag?
Bag ID?
ID this bag? Not sure if rep or not
ID this Givenchy Bag?
Hello soldiers. Reminder that PMF and timing is 95 percent of this.
New job new watch
2 weeks notice on a PIP?
Would you return a sign on bonus?
Winds are blowing at the FDA, payback for decades of effing with us
We are so fucked
Update: Huge Quarter Brag Post
JFK or LaGuardia Airport?
144 mile commute vs +2K Rent
People that make over $120k - how many hours do you work?
Is the writing on the wall or am I an idiot?
This one is simple. Flip a coin twice.