3d printed mini constructor
thanks for all the help everyone! print turned out great
Built a crane to loom over my friends base and ruin his scenic view.
What would you guys add here
Is this the 1st real photo of the new flagship? found in the reddit comments supposedly from facebook
Bingo like doing video I like his vibes
Rails gaurds - yes or no?
Just got a rally edition GTS
What are the advantages for printing upside down? Are there any?
Returning to r/Skyrim!
The Steel Hive - A sci-fi steel factory producing 3960 Steel Pipes/m
I’m gonna freak out
Should I get Satisfactory?
Help identifying printer
Meanwhile, at the White House:
Would a fan of Fallout enjoy Skyrim? (Asking for myself)
There’s gotta be something to use these for…
I about ready to give this thing away
Generation Zero Setup
What was your first mod
My amazing wife surprised me with my first 3d printer for Valentine's Day!
3d printed nozzle is the perfect cleaner maid for your hotend's heatblock!
One of my favorite pictures of Daniel
What is he going to do in the real world
Did I Build Enough Power Storage?