Peter Dutton hates working people in Australia. Don’t listen to his words, let’s have a look at his actions.
redditors eating this shit up
China's fake Paris
After paying $26 for a lamb combo
Austral Avenue Clearview vs Linden Park... coincidence?
Is this normal or incompetence? Elevator broke for 7 months. Seems electrical.
A cyclist takes an unconventional approach to dealing with a WankPanzer that's parked in a bus lane
Cybertruck owner refuses to read the room
The Bend Motorsport park gift experiences
They definitely need to start making more Mental Hospitals to get these people some help 🙄
I renounce my ownership of this land
Ski Honoring X at Rolling Loud ❤️
How hilariously cute is this
Trans Aussie Rules Player 'Terrified' Her Right To Play Could Be Taken Away
Paying a toll because you made a mistake ❌ Writing off your car instead ✅
My poo looks like a didgeridoo
Always was, Always will be… Ukraine edition
Building a fence yourself - council approval
Cyclists Chased by Two Pitbulls
Redditor who keyed a swastika into a cybertruck exposed as Trans
This is all mental gymnastics. We cyclist are the most law abiding citizens of the road. It
Take away prices taken away.
Who remembers Cunningham’s Warehouse?
Man has been charged and named over North Adelaide murder.