I’m not excited to turn 18
What's your favourite type of pain?
What is the one mistake you won't repeat in 2025 ?
What’s your favourite phone app?
What’s something that no one but you finds attractive?
What did the fox say?
However you may try to stop it, you are going to be touched?
Who is your ultimate crush?
What’s a word you always misspell?
You find out that last 10 years of your life was a dream. What is your reaction?
what’s your perfect idea of a date?
Who is the prettiest / cutest woman at the moment?
What’s something you used to make fun of people for doing but now you do it?
What you have started to dislike more as you get older?
What is a skill you think everyone should learn, and why?
What’s your favourite colour ?
What is your fav bread? What it contains from?
What would you like to be reincarnated as if you had the choice?
Women, what are some oddly specific male features you find attractive?
What's your favourite emoji to use when texting?
What would you do, if you were 30 years old ?
People of Reddit, what's an animated movie or TV show that you thought was for kids that turned out not to be?
What’s the guy version of “not like other girls”?
Who is the popular actor you think is overrated?
what is a food that everyone likes but for you is absloutely disgusting?