How can I help my friend whose sister has stage 4 cancer?
"Your test results came back normal". As an ME/CFS sufferer, is there a more frustrating phrase to hear from a doctor?
Your stories of doing big life stuff (moving house/falling in love/kids etc) after onset?
What are your favorite foods to cheer you up?
Purposely getting sick to recover?
I just fell on my „face“ and it would be tragic to me if it wouldn’t be so funny
It has been month since I knew we have to disappear ....
haaaate feeling internalized ableism haaaate feeling like a loser when I go out with my cane :))
Going back to college at 26 feels like the biggest mistake of my life.
Im 17 and need advice!!
My BF Thinks I’ll Cheat in College and Wants Me to Wait to Party or Move In Together
I (M25) need help with girl (F22) with avoidant attachment style
How should i talk to my roommate / best friend about being a bit more clean?
Dating is hard?
Insecure friend
Struggling with balance
How to find a woman who will date a guy in a wheelchair
18M Do I tell my friend im disappointed that they have talked to me less and not played with me as much?
10 year eating disorder but no end in sight
Panic Attacks whilst I'm falling asleep
"The Wizard and I" - 15y/o - never been to any vocal lessons - any tips/advice on how to improve (especially on straining and breath control) would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
Do loud people get cast as ensemble?
What's my biggest vocal propblem? Complete amature never takes singing lesson
What voice type could I possibly be?
Thoughts on how this sounds?