Streaks/fading ink despite refilling
Give him a funny name pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee
Downstairs neighbours and their parenting...
Sia had a baby and named him
tired of parents making normal names yoo-nek!
Name my new boy! I don't like the typical grey names like smokey, but open to silly or serious
Night on Earth on Netflix CGI? I watched about 20 minutes and I’m convinced its nearly all CGI. I thought the “low light thermal” cameras were just a way to hide imperfections in the rendering. When the lions attack things you can tell theyre not even tracked correctly...? Am I wrong?
AIO- I am banning phones from the bathroom because my husband doomscrolls social media for up to an hour while "pooping".
Is being an American really as good as people say it is?
Guys help me name them! I need stupid cat names. The wilder and weirder the better :3
Need a female name for our new white Cornish rex cat, to go with our cats Penguin and Koala. Thanks
New Kitten- I am looking for a name that honours her special nose marking.
Custody of the children question
AIO? I went through my bestfriend's phone without her permission.. she's 17 he's 26
Adopted this little guy last week! He needs a name! No character names. Other two pets are Rocket and Kitty.
Not the worst but..😬
just adopted a cat. weird and off putting names ONLY. he’s very sweet and cuddly, so the weirder the name, the better
Noelle Cheney
Zoé Saldaña has won "Best Supporting Actress" at the Oscars for "Emilia Perez"
Ari should've won
My cat died and I can’t handle the guilt
Please help! Finally bought from local optometrist....
I’m sorry what???
Disappointing lenovo yoga 7