Pictures and People From the Veterans March This Afternoon at the State Capitol
this university makes me sick
When/why/how did Mas Tacos become the source of so much disdain? Few years ago, I stopped going because the line was so long. Did they change their food? Did their vibe get bad?
Thoughts on these South Loop apts?
Southwest Airlines will charge to check bags for the first time, launch basic economy tickets
10K Members Milestone Giveaway ($100 in Amazon Gift Cards!)
Goat stock pluggin?
Little surprise here. But I genuinely have no idea what comes next. What's a good restaurant hated on by this sub?
Bill that would allow medical professionals to refuse care based on personal, religious beliefs passes TN Senate
In the closest race yet, El Fuego takes the center square. What's a bad restaurant this sub is divided on?
what’s going on i65s?
Merchandise Mark — Day 065 // X-T5 + 27mm ƒ 2.8 // #AYearinPhotographs
Nashville Tied for 71st as the City with the Worst Roads in America.
My favorite Store
Mas Tacos grabs the spot for average restaurant loved by this sub. What's the bad restaurant beloved here?
Scenes From the State Capitol Protest this Afternoon
Talk To Me - Amazon sale
March 4th
Turned the X100 Finepix into my Monochrome camera.
Moving Advice Needed
What me and my gf ate on our 4 day trip last weekend (and how much it cost $$$)
March 4th for Democracy! 50501
Tentative "Resist: Nashville" protest permit is pending approval
Should I Cut My Losses or Hold? Advice Needed on These Stocks!
TIL that Nashville is ranked 124th out of 130 in walk score.