If anyone asks why it takes me 9 hours, 59 minutes, and 59 seconds to complete a single stage, this is why.
dokkan story mode
This team should be illegal
"Jesus fucking Christ" Gogeta is real
7th year eza's
10 Years of Dokkan
for all my guys that are underwhelmed
I’ll take my upvotes now
I just found out, Z Broly, the guy born with a power level of 10000, is NOT on gifted warrior.
I have a 1000 pity coins but I’m undecided on who to get
TEQ Super Vegito APT {Credit to @Rhoady2000}
Evolution Vegeta details
Well, well, well, if it isn't an INT 4KU buff
So scared about this guy. A lot of people don’t care about him but I truly hope they do him justice
To celebrate 10 years of Dokkan, share some of your best and worst memories with this game!
48 hours till we know the details for part 1 units. Out of the batch, who do you think will be the best and who the most dissapointing unit?
am i being unreasonable
a criticism of Luffy
question about the carnaval banner
10th anniversary REAL THEME
The real question. Can YOU beat the heavy hitters?
When the holy grail was reactivated and Mori got his powers back, did he keep them after the holy grail broke or did they disappear along with the grail.
Teq majin vegeta is so fun to use. This is just normal rotation without support.