Update to my everything pizza post
(Not your usual post) I just got a kitten and would love to name him something hearthstone related. Ideas?
Any advice on being middle spoon without panicing?
Looking to sublet for the summer
Cubes [A][OC]
Trans girls here?
Developer of OctoEverywhere for OctoPrint here. I'm doing a completely free Prusa i3 MK3S+ giveaway to celebrate the launch of Gadget, our FREE and UNLIMITED AI failure detection! Just leave a comment to enter! 🎉🐙
These graphs from the official Gigabyte website
Tabletop games at WPI?
9/11 version of the Pride Progress Flag, which my friend claimed "couldn't be uglier if it tried"
[GIVEAWAY] Giving away 10 deskmats from the AI Collection! Every single design is generated by Artificial Intelligence
Flag of Italy but it's my dinner
whats your biggest red flag when joining a group of randoms?
Found this painted fungal wreath at IKEA- just $19.99!
Hello, but I’m not sorry.
That could feed a village
Im designing a bot with the idea of a duel spinner design. does anyone know if a weapon system like this would work?
Looking for temporary summer housing near South Windsor
Sigma Oasis
Sigma Oasis (FIXED #3)
Fun dual class Shaman/Druid card
[Giveaway] Wanted to giveaway this neon styled Hearthstone light I've made for a long time since posted it 8mo ago. I will draw one winner from all the comments in 24 hour! Covering all the shipping costs. Hope you like it! Blessings, GL <3
Some more custom cards. I have done a few Deltarune cards and have tried rebalancing Sonic and Kirby
Forged Identity